Welcome to our "Becoming Catholic" page. The Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ, continues to serve millions of people by helping them answer life's most important questions and by leading them to the fullness of happiness. We invite you to find out about Jesus, the Church He founded and meaning that only He can give. It is always a joyous occasion when a person chooses to learn more about becoming Catholic.
If this overview of the process of OCIA seems a bit daunting to you, do not be afraid! The process is not done alone. Several inquirers will also be with you on the journey and our parish has a team of dedicated people to assist you on the journey.
San Juan Del Rio Catholic Church also assigns each inquirer a sponsor who will share the journey with you and become a companion at the weekly sessions as well as at other special occasions. Of equal importance will be the prayers and support of the entire parish community.
Men and women, high school age and upward, desiring to join the Catholic Church are welcome to participate in the San Juan Del Rio OCIA program.
Details include:
If you want to participate as a new catechumen,
please fill out the form above.
God Bless,
Judy Jones
Director, OCIA
For more information on attending Inquiry Sessions or to register for our RCIA program, please contact the parish office 904-287-0519.
To become Catholic, a person goes through a process called the OCIA. OCIA stands for the “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults”. In OCIA, adults are introduced gradually into the beliefs, worship, and life of the Christian. Each participant has a sponsor, a fully initiated Catholic, to walk him/her through this process.
Inquiry sessions are for those interested in learning, without any pressure or commitment, about Jesus Christ and the teachings of His Church. Inquiry is for adults who:
Please contact the Parish Office 904-287-0519 to find out the date of the next sessions. Sessions are Sunday mornings at 9am, normally during the Spring, but you are encouraged to call the parish office at any time for more information.
Following Inquiry is a period of formal instruction known as 'catechesis'. This formation helps a person establish roots to his/her faith in Christ and to learn how the faith is lived in daily life. This part of the process walks the participant through the key events of Scripture and shows how the teachings of the Catholic Church flow from the Bible. This formation is specifically for those preparing for the sacraments of either Baptism, Confirmation and/or Holy Communion.
Please contact the Parish Office 904-287-0519 for more information on these sessions. Sessions are Sunday mornings at 9am in the Institute of Catholic Theology classroom.
Beginning with Ash Wednesday and lasting throughout Lent, participants prepare to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and/or Holy Communion by going through a six week period of prayer, fasting, and turning away from sin. This is the stage of 'Purification and Enlightenment.' This period culminates with the Easter Vigil, the Mass celebrated the Saturday night before Easter Sunday. During this Mass, participants receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
The period of formation after Easter is known as 'Mystagogia', in which the participant reflects on the graces received in Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. It is a time to look at how Christ calls us to a life of service and stewardship.
"I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly."
John 10:10
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