Religious Education


Parish Religious Education Program

        Parents are entrusted and empowered by Christ to carry out their duty of sharing the Gospel of Life and guiding their children towards a deeper connection with Him, facilitating a fuller grasp of God’s love for them. Our Family Faith Formation initiative focuses on emphasizing the pivotal role of parents as the primary educators of their children in matters of faith. As stated in the Guide for Parents to the Religious Education Curriculum: “Parents have the primary responsibility for the faith formation of their children. The Church

is obligated to provide them with full support in this endeavor.” It is with this in mind that the 2024-2025 Religious Education is changing to assist our parents in instructing their children in understanding and responding to the fullness of the Christian life.

        You can review the full parents' guide to curriculum for Religious Education in the Diocese of St. Augustine here.

Religious Education Contact Info: 904.287.2801
General Inquires, Absence Notifications, Catechist Inquiries:
Director of Religious Education,

Deacon Stanley Boschert –

Assistant Director of Religious Education,

Debbie Wiese –
PREP Administrative Assistant,

Sr. Rosaline Ashinaah James -
PREP Sacrament Coordinator,
Evita Moore -
Office staff,
Mary Trepasso –

Prep Traditional

        Our Religious Education program is based on four guiding principles:

 1. To establish and deepen our students’ personal friendship with Jesus Christ.

 2. To teach our students the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church

 3. To reinforce the faith foundation taught at home and at Mass.

 4. To teach Catholic life skills, personal prayer, scripture, sacraments, service.

The continuous religious education of your child(ren) is very important to us as they are the future of our faith community.  Therefore, no child will be prevented from attending religious education classes because of family financial hardship issues.  To apply for financial assistance, please contact the Religious Education Office for a Financial Hardship Fee Waiver form.  

        The “Traditional” PREP, meaning weekly on-campus class with a skilled Catechist as the instructor, will continue for the Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th and HS 1 & 2 grades.  You can view the school year calendar for 2024-2025 

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Family Faith Formation, Grade 3, 4 and 5

A genuine revitalization of catechesis necessitates fresh instructional approaches that enable children, educators, parents, and families to explore their genuine Catholic identity. This would thereby revitalize meaningful engagement in the Church's mission and vitality. The Church must develop innovative catechetical materials to impart doctrinal teachings faithfully and articulate the relevance of faith in contemporary culture.


For the new school year, we have purchased the “Word of Life” religious education program published by the Augustine Institute/Ignatius Press. This program is filled with instructional material and resources for parents to teach and engage with their children in the richness of God’s love based on scripture. Also, for the children/students, online materials such as books, videos, brochures, and stories enrich your child's understanding of God’s love for them.

This program will be utilized by grades 3, 4, and 5, from home, with their parents as the primary instructors. Once a month, parents and children/students will be required to attend class on campus for the parents to have a teach-the-teacher session to learn how and what to teach their children for the remainder of the month.

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Family Faith Formation, Grade 6, The Gospel of Matthew

Grade 6 will continue with the “Traditional” PREP on-campus instruction each week and concentrate on “The Gospel of Matthew.”  It will then journey through key portions of the Old Testament.  Parents are required to attend class with their student(s) once a month.  Parents will have the opportunity to learn what their child will be taught during class, and the parent/child will be encouraged to discuss the topics from classes over the next 3 weeks. 

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Family Catechesis

        The Search Continues – is a series of Q & A Interviews by Chris Stefanick with professors from the Augustine Institute.  Based on some of the most searched questions on the internet on the Catholic Faith, these videos accompany The Search.

        Last year Deacon Stan hosted Family Catechesis with a series of videos called The Search, which can be found on Formed.  As a parishioner of San Juan del Rio this Premier Streaming service is free by logging into

These sessions are available once a month to anyone on a Wednesday evening.  All are welcome, so please join us for another exciting year of Faith learning and discussions.  

        You can view the Family Catechesis Calendar here.

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2024/25 PREP Calendar

The following forms are for Families Only

The following forms are for Catechists Only: All Catechists must be fingerprinted and cleared through the Diocese of St. Augustine (even if already fingerprinted for work). All forms for clearance are online. Please turn in the receipt for fingerprinting and we will reimburse you for the expense.

All catechists must be fingerprinted and cleared through the Diocese of St. Augustine (even if already fingerprinted for work). All forms for clearance are online. Please turn in the receipt for fingerprinting, and we will reimburse you for the expense. For more information about SJDR Parish Safety Environment, please contact Jack Klees

 For more information about SJDR Parish Safety Environment, please contact: Jack Klees

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