Respect Life

Respect Life

The Respect Life Ministry meets once a month to discuss pending legislation and to review and to implement the USCCB’s (United States Council of Catholic Bishops) request for parish action. According to the Bishops this can be either through prayer and /or action. The issues range from birth to natural death. Examples of this would be: poster/essay contests for Catholic schools and formation programs, aiding pro-life pregnancy centers, Project Rachel or Rachel’s Vineyard retreats in English/Spanish (also for hurting men), parish or pregnancy centers Rosary for Life, prison ministry support, euthanasia, human trafficking, end of life directives, education or medical bills that would affect our Catholic beliefs, and many more issues of concern. Member volunteers can attend events at the parish, diocesan, or the state level. You may put your name on the Information list of volunteers to be notified. All are welcome!

We meet every First Friday at 10am after the Rosary for the Unborn.


July 5 - First Friday 9:00 AM Mass, 9:30 AM Rosary for Life Adoration

7:30 am-3:30 pm to Defeat of Amendment 4 and Prison Awareness

July 6 - First Saturday 8:00 AM Mass for Reparation against the Immaculate Virgin Mary

July 6 - Bus transportation to Planned Parenthood leaves from St. Joseph’s Church at 8:30 AM for Rosary Walk at facility (one hour)

July 17- Luncheon 4 Life at Marywood 11:30 am - call (904) 262-3200 for reservations


Marcia Rogero


Debra Humphrey

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