Ministries to serve in

Ministry contacts

Ministries A-Z

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace.

— 1 Peter 4:10


are listed in alphabetical order. Download Ministry contacts from the button at the top of this page.

Adoration Ministry

Jennifer Clark the first Friday of each month, adoration is available in the main SJDR parish church from 9:30 am until 9 pm. Those who are unfamiliar with adoration can learn more about it here: https:// We ask parishioners who plan to attend adoration on these first Fridays to sign up for an hour, so that the Blessed Host is continuously adored. To volunteer for First Friday Adoration, send an e-mail to The noon-1 pm and 4-5pm slots tend to be the most challenging for us to fill. Adoration is also available each weekday from 7:30 to 9:30 am and on the first Saturday of each month at 8 am. Special adoration days will be announced in the weekly SJDR bulletin.

Angel Dusters

Ana Ramos 904-230-2078 

This group of 8 or 9 regular volunteers meets in the church every Thursday following 9 am mass. They focus on cleaning floors near the altar, as well as dusting and polishing around the altar and in the sacristy. They would love more volunteers! Service hours can be offered to students. Because this group cleans while most students are in school, it might be possible to organize a special cleaning event – perhaps for pews or another aspect of the church – during after-school times. Anyone who is interested in helping can show up on Thursdays to pitch in with the Angel Dusters crew, no training or signup required.

Angel Tree, Lenten Crosses,

and Food Drives

Joyce Svoboda 904-287-1117 

These ministries offer parishioners the opportunity to donate purchased goods to children and families in need. 

In addition to setting up donation tables and organizing the donation signups, the ministry could use help with transportation of donated items.

Boy Scouts of America

Dee Goodman 904-562-8747

Cub Scouts of America

Amanda Tomlinson 904-838-8088

Boy Scout Troop 287 and Cub Scout Pack 287 are affiliated

with San Juan del Rio Catholic Church. The troop meets at

7 pm on Monday evenings in the Parish auditorium, and the Pack meets at 6 pm the second Wednesday of each month in the Parish Family Center. Both groups emphasize service to community and service to God while immersing the scouts  in outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and canoeing. Any adult who wishes to participate with these groups will be required to attend Protecting God’s Children training first.

More info can be found online at

Catholic Daughters of San Juan del Rio

Susy Ellis  

Catholic Daughters is a relatively new ministry at SJDR intended for young women aged 10 to 18 years who want to foster virtuous character through service projects in our parish. The young ladies and group facilitator meet every other Sunday from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Parish Family Center room 410, normally in conjunction with the Catholic Sons of San Juan del Rio. All volunteers must complete Protecting God’s Children training.

Catholic Sons of San Juan del Rio

Terence Mahoney 

This ministry gives boys and young men aged 10-18 the opportunity to form a team, develop the skill of leadership, and cultivate a heart of service toward their community within the parish. The Catholic Sons of San Juan del Rio plan and contribute to many projects and events organized by other ministries at SJDR. They often help set up tables and chairs for parish meals and for masses that draw overflow attendance, for example. They also clear fallen branches from parish driveways after storms, and they volunteer at Field of Dreams baseball games at Aberdeen Park. The Catholic Sons meet every other week in the Parish Family Center to play basketball and plan upcoming service activities. Parents are welcome to stay. Anyone who wants to volunteer with Catholic Sons of San Juan del Rio will be required to complete Protecting God’s Children training.

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)

Stefanie Hogue (CRHP Continuation Committee Chair) 

Chris Sylvester (CRHP Communications Coordinator)

This ministry, often referred to as “chirp,” offers weekend retreats twice a year for women and men, separately, to enrich our relationships with God and with each other. People who have already attended a CRHP retreat are invited to volunteer as facilitators.

Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

Kelly Dripps 904.718.9604

CCW is a national organization dedicated to train, support, and empower its members in the areas of spirituality, leadership, and service. Meetings at SJDR are held once monthly, usually on the second Thursday in the Parish Auditorium. Meetings always involve fellowship and sometimes include invited speakers. Other trainings are held throughout the year. CCW partners with ministries at SJDR and throughout the Diocese to support their work through financial donations and hands-on service. Dues are $20/year. A monthly e-mail reminds members of upcoming events.

Fellowship Invites Serving and Helping (FISH) Catholic Family Mother’s Program/First Fruits 11am Mass Nursery

Marcia Quinlan-Rogero, advisor

Marcel Nagel/Morgan Godwin, 253-514-3660, social coordinators

Debra Humphrey, 904-237-0362, book study moderator 

Families are important! moms & dads allow yourself to be nurtured spiritually & emotionally by gathering in friendship. join in weekly playdays, book/bible session, First Fruits Nursery, mom/dad’s nite/couples nite out and more! no fees just friendship and love. encounter your parish family in unique


Filipino Ministry (Mabuhay)
Art PeBenito (904) 294-4089 

Our mission is to serve our SJDR Parish and promote Catholic heritage, moral values and spirituality with-in our Fil-Am community. From vibrant Diocesan events to joyful parish gatherings by connecting hearts, celebrating culture we emphasize fellowship and fun in serving others. Join us on this journey of faith, warmth, and life-giving events. Inspiring Faith, Strengthening Community: "Embracing the Filipino-American Spirit".

Flower Ministry 

JoAnn Frick 912-996-6776

JoAnn Frick founded this ministry at SJDR shortly after she moved here in 2020. Currently there are 5 regular volunteers, two of whom are professional florists. The ministry could use more help, particularly during holidays. No experience necessary, training will be provided. The goal is to have each volunteer take responsibility for one floral display each month. Flowers are purchased through a wholesaler. This is a great opportunity to serve our parish through creativity.

Funeral Reception Ministry

Anh Le 281-935-8626

Kathy Vinski 

The Funeral Reception Ministry is a quiet, thoughtful way to support members of our parish family during profound periods of grief. Volunteers contribute food items for a funeral mass reception, and some volunteers help to serve food during the reception.

Knights of Columbus

Terence P. Mahoney, GK


4th Degree Assembly

Joe Bishop

The Knights of Columbus are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their parish and Church. 4th Degree Knights are a related group at SJDR composed of veterans who assist specifically with funerals and the Patriotic Rosary each month. Knight meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7 pm in the Parish Family Center. Major fundraisers and volunteer events are held throughout the year, including highway cleanups, fish fry meals during Lent, bagged meal deliveries to local charities, blood drives, and hot dog sales at Field of Dreams Baseball League games for handicapped children at Aberdeen Park. More information is available online at

Knitting and Crochet Ministry

Teresa Jakowicz 904-713-5042 

This ministry began at SJDR more than 20 years ago with the goal to provide a baby blanket to every child baptized in our parish. Now they make thousands of blankets and hats and anything that can be knitted or crocheted, and they donate to residents of Genesis House in St. Augustine, residents of Divine Mercy House in Mandarin, chemotherapy patients in nearby hospitals, foster children, holocaust survivors, and those served by Jewish Family Community Services in Jacksonville. Every child in St. Johns County who is removed from the home by police receives a blanket from SJDR’s Knitting and Crochet Ministry. The ministry group includes approximately 35 to 50 active members and it meets once a month on the fourth Monday in the parish hall. Most members buy their own yarn, but other ministries also donate money to the group for yarn purchases.

Liturgical Ministry

Terence Mahoney (altar servers)

Joe Stepp (Eucharistic Ministers)

Buddy Packham (Lectors)


Michael Vaeth (Sacristans)

Altar servers are young adults and children in the 4th grade or older who are invited to assist the presider during celebration of the liturgy at mass. All volunteers attend an annual retreat, as well as meetings held as needed. Eucharistic Ministers distribute Holy Eucharist and the Precious Blood to parishioners during mass. Lectors perform the first two readings during weekend masses and Holy Days of Obligation, or as needed. Adults and teenagers are invited to volunteer for this role in our parish. They will be provided with training and materials to prepare for readings as scheduled. Sacristans care for altar linens, arrange liturgical books for the altar, lay out vestments for the clergy, light candles, and help with cleaning up after mass has ended.

Ushers help to collect donations from parishioners during each mass.

Handmaids of the Lord

Sarah Kissell

We launder and press the linens used during mass.

Special training is required.

Mental Health Ministry

Monina Mulleague


This is a new ministry at SJDR, and the goal of it is to remove the stigma associated with mental illness, as well as help individuals and families of those who suffer from mental illness find support through workshops and educational resources, so that they may participate fully in the life of the Church. Many families have registered for mental health assistance, and they can use our help through prayers. Contact Monina Mulleague for more information at

Music and Choir

Marlys Adjevi

Nicole Loft (Sunday mornings and 5 pm mass)


Howard McGillin (Saturday 5:15 contemporary music) 904.687.5570 

The SJDR Music Ministries welcome all parishioners regardless of experience level. We have contemporary and folk music during the Saturday 5:15 mass and other church functions. Traditional music is offered during the Sunday 7 am, 9 am, and 11 am masses. Music is usually led by the Youth Ministry on Sunday evenings during 5 pm mass.

The folk music ministry features keyboard, guitars, percussion, and other instruments, as well as singers of all voices. Folk music rehearsal is once a month, usually the first Thursday at 7:00 pm in the church, with gathering at 4:00 pm on Saturday to prepare for the week’s liturgy.

For the traditional music team, choir practice is every Thursday from 7 to 8:15 pm in room 411 of the Parish Family Center. The ability to read music is not required, but it is beneficial. Pre-mass rehearsal is held 30 minutes prior to the start of mass.

Prayer Blankets

Michael Shurr


Inspired by the scripture story of the hemorrhaging woman who was healed by touching Jesus’ cloak, this ministry was started at San Juan about 16 years ago, and somewhere close to 5,000 blankets have been made and distributed since then. The ministry is self-sustaining, meaning it’s totally supported financially by the volunteers and donations. Most blankets are fleece, which is easy to care for and doesn’t unravel. Blankets can be ordered on the parish website, which includes a short questionnaire detailing who will use the blanket and what specific prayers are requested. Blankets are blessed at the 5:15 Saturday mass. More volunteers are needed. Those who are interested in supporting this ministry can look for an invitation this fall to a meeting that will teach how to make the blankets, which are about 50 inches per side and include a pocket to hold a rosary. The construction is easy and doesn’t require a sewing machine. Volunteers can make blankets at home and drop them off at the church office. Some volunteers make quilts, if they have the skills and tools to do so.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Judy Jones


Men and women, high school age and upward, who desire to join the Catholic Church are welcome to participate in the San Juan del Rio RCIA program. (Parents of younger children who wish to become Catholic should contact the parish office to inquire about the PREP program.) The RCIA ministry assigns a Catholic volunteer “sponsor” to each person in RCIA as they attend weekly education sessions

Religious Education (PREP)

Deacon Stan Boschert 

Each year a large team of volunteer catechists at SJDR help teach children from Kindergarten through High School about the Catholic faith to prepare them for receiving the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. Volunteers are needed to help teach each year, with Protecting God’s Children training scheduled in June and July and catechist training in August. Student classes begin in September and last through May. More information about student enrollment and volunteer opportunities can be found through the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) office at 904.287.2801 or by contacting Deacon Stan Boschert at

Respect Life Ministry

Marcia Rogero


Debra Humphrey

The Respect Life Ministry meets once a month to discuss pending legislation and to review and to implement the USCCB’s (United States Council of Catholic Bishops) request for parish action. According to the Bishops this can be either through prayer and /or action. The issues range from birth to natural death. Examples of this would be: poster/essay contests for Catholic schools and formation programs, aiding pro-life pregnancy centers, Project Rachel or Rachel’s Vineyard retreats in English/Spanish (also for hurting men), parish or pregnancy centers Rosary for Life, prison ministry support, euthanasia, human trafficking, end of life directives, education or medical bills that would affect our Catholic beliefs, and many more issues of concern. Member volunteers can attend events at the parish, diocesan, or the state level. You may put your name on the Information list of volunteers to be notified. All are welcome!

Rosary Ministry

Micki Williams 904-808-0705 

This ministry meets twice a month in the Parish Hall, the first and third Thursdays from 1 pm to 4 pm. The group usually includes 20 to 30 people, with everyone stringing beads and chatting while they work to make rosaries. No experience required! This is a great opportunity to get crafty and earn service hours for students who volunteer. Rosaries can also be taken home as a kit. The rosaries are sent to countries like Mexico and various nations in Africa, where people are so grateful to receive them.

Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Curtis Loftis

SVdP help line (and to volunteer) 904-412-3899 

This ministry’s main objective is to help those in need in St. Johns County, usually within the 32259 zip code, by meeting with clients who call and determining how best to serve them (e.g., with rental assistance, utilities, gas cards, or food cards). We also reach out to other ministries by helping or purchasing items they may need. Our main source of income is from the Poor Box and a fundraiser walk held once a year. Meetings are held once a month on the third Thursday in room 412 of the Parish Family Center at SJDR, usually at 7 pm.

Serving Our Sick (SOS)

Patti Mathis


The Serving Our Sick (SOS) ministry provides prayer, education, and support to our sick and recovering parishioners in their homes, healthcare facilities, hospitals, and hospice houses. The mission is “to imitate Jesus by serving our sick with dignity and compassion, regardless of age or medical condition.” Support services include Respite Care, Traveling Eucharistic Ministers, and holistic spiritual support at bedside for patients and families. Education includes advance directives, end-of-life discussions, and current Catholic teaching on topics such as assisted suicide. Daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly prayers are offered for the sick. Volunteer meetings are held as needed and include a bi-annual “Celebrating our Seniors” mass and luncheon.

Soul Stitchers

Teresa Jakowicz 904-713-5042 

This ministry serves the homeless in St. Johns County and adjacent areas by using plastic shopping bags to create durable, light, warm, squishy, and easy-to-clean sleeping mats. Plastic shopping bags are cut into strips, which are then attached in series to create “plarn” (i.e., plastic yarn), which is then crocheted into a rectangle slightly longer than a yoga mat. More volunteers are always needed to help with any or all steps of the mat-making process. For example, some people simply cut the bags into strips, others only create the plarn, and others only enjoy crocheting the final sleeping mats. Community service hours are available for parents and students who volunteer to help with any stages of production.

Technology Ministry

Mary Glavin


Howard Glavin


This ministry assists with all sound engineering for weekend mass and special occasions, as well as streaming video during the Sunday 9 am mass and occasional weddings or funerals. The team includes about 20 volunteers, but more are needed! Training (and re-training) is extensive and provided as needed.

Vocations Ministry

Fr. Clay Ludwig 

This newly formed ministry was created at the request of Father Clay Ludwig, the Director of Vocations for the Diocese of St. Augustine, to explore ways that we can help parishioners understand the meaning of “vocation” in the Catholic sense—God’s direction for how we can best serve him—and how we can elevate receptivity to and appreciation of these choices, whether a person’s calling is to the priesthood or vowed religious life, a calling to marriage or parenthood, or a call to single life.

Walking with Purpose - a women's bible study

Jamie Gray


Walking with Purpose is a Bible study program that uses theme- focused books to facilitate discussions about what the Bible teaches specific to the concerns of women and mothers. At SJDR the group meets in person at 10 am in the Parish Family Center, room 410, as well as at 7 pm in the same room. Meetings are once a week, but the schedule during each session may change, so please contact the Parish office to learn the current schedule. This ministry is looking for table leaders who help facilitate discussions.

Women’s Bible Study

Debra Humphrey


This ministry has been at SJDR for 35 years! They offer several functions to support women, parents, and families in general at SJDR, including a weekly book club on Wednesdays from 10 am to noon in the Parish Auditorium to pray the rosary, listen, and discuss a selected book or video series (they offer free babysitting on site for parents who bring toddlers to the meeting); a weekly play group for parents and babies/preschoolers at Alpine Groves Park; monthly dinners out for women; monthly dinner gatherings for couples. This is an excellent place to deepen your understanding of our faith through the mentorship of fellow parishioners. (NOTE: The play group uses a special communication app called GroupMe to stay in touch regarding weekly events.) *FISH also operates a First Fruits Nursery to babysit for parents who attend Sunday 11 am mass. Volunteers are always needed, and this is an excellent opportunity for students to earn service hours.

Wine and Cheese

Mary Vancore


This ministry offers wine, cheese, and light snacks in the Parish Hall following Saturday evening mass. The purpose is to offer on-site fellowship and help celebrate special events, including birthdays and anniversaries. Donations offered by parishioners in 2022 totaled $1,300! This money was then given to Father Peter, with the purpose of distributing it to families in need of gas or grocery funds during the holiday season, as well as to the Angel Tree and Prayer Blanket ministries.

Youth Ministry

Monina Mulleague

SJDR currently has over 100 high school students and over 150 middle school students registered with the Youth Ministry. All students are required to register online before participating in Youth Ministry events and activities. More information is available under the “Ministries” tab of SJDR’s website at Both HSYG and MSYG begin in September every year. HSYG meets once a week, and MSYG meets once a month. Leadership Formation for HSYG, MSYG, Young Adults, and Core Team is during the summer months. In the summer, there are also several retreats and Youth Conferences such as Steubenville, Ave Maria, DYC, Rise Up, Plunge 1 & 2, Mpact, Servant Heart, and more. The students also volunteer to support Diocesan events and collaborate with other SJDR ministries such as Vocations, KofC, CCW, VBS, Respect Life, Catholic FISH, Catholic Sons & Daughters, and more. All volunteers with Youth Ministry are required to complete Diocesan-approved Safety Environment Clearance.

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